Hello 2017

Was so happy I finished Enjoy! in 2016, it was 5 years in the making - I did some other projects like sailing around Iceland on a boat with friends (we converted the boat into a venue) and started a side project with my friends Jónas and Ómar a band called Drangar... and some mini tours..

Now I´m trying to plan 2017. I´m researching how to promote Enjoy! (my new album) around the world - if you got links or advise to share with me I would appreciate it very much :-) Paying for promotion is not an option right now but I buy a lottery ticket every week so that might change.

I´m working on a podcast about each song on the album.. I was backing up my hard-drives last week and found endless amount of stuff, so I figured I´d use that stuff and tell the story of each song. Will let you know how when it´s ready.

I´m trying to buy a Sprintervan to convert into a mobile summer-cabin/studio to make my travels more comfortable and also so I can work more on music while traveling and on tours. I think I´ll post the converting progress here on the web.. have been dreaming about this for 10 years now.. so very exiting.

I´m also brainstorming about my live-show. I really wanna play more live-  both solo stuff and with my amazing band. Last summer I did a kind of a tourist show in Reykjavik (Iceland's capital) at the national theater- 4 times a week for 2 months. The idea was "why go away when there are lot´s of people coming to Iceland". I was very proud of that show, I had 4 play-stations - one station was called the Julio Iglesias station, me and the guitar doing sweet stuff in a ribbon mic... that was very tender and nice. Second station was called the Blues Monster Station, was me doing that Screaming and Riffing business. Third was me on my Electronic setup and the Fourth was the Psychedelic Setup, it was me standing on a pile of stuff and my wife appeared like in a hologram on my guitar and my face lid with a flashlight, that one was everybody's favorite. After those 2 months I was beyond exhausted so I went to the doctor and got diagnosed with hypothyroid. The doctor gave me pills and I got my energy back and managed to finish Enjoy!

I´ll write more about Enjoy once I finish these podcasts.

Enjoy! did wonders for me in Iceland when it came out, I´m a wolf was a kind of a hit and nearly all shows around the country sold out. The band was crazy, we got a new member Rósa on Sax and voice, what a voice - she and the keyboard/guitar/voice player Tobbi gave me goose bumps every night, one of a kind harmony stuff. Addi on drums and Guðni on bass played like they where going to war - if you ever seen the band play live you know what I mean if not google Mugison + Murr Murr + KEXP and you´ll see what I mean.

last but not least I wanna congratulate myself on the longest blog-post of my carrier.. hopefully just a start :-)

until next time


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